Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Undergraduate Corner: Dream big, but keep your head in the game

On this blog, the first and third Tuesday of each month are dedicated to presenting discussion geared toward undergraduate students, in a series called, "Undergraduate Corner."

Today, you'll get to hear from my wife, Amy. Enjoy!


Hi. I'm Amy, Brian's wife. He's given me the keyboard today to share a simple, but profound thought I've only recently wrapped my head around, as the title says: dream big, but keep your head in the game.

When I was an undergrad, I had big hopes, long-term year plans, meticulous GPA trackers, and color coded notebooks. I was the unstoppable force immovable objects dread. My goal, simply stated by my roommates so often, was to take over the world and I was going to use a finely sharpened #2 pencil to do it.

My senior year brought a series of life and perspective changing events (injury, boyfriend, breakup ... are some of mine, feel free to add your own to your mental list).

I found myself losing sight of my big dreams in the murky waters of the everyday mundane. Then, in the need for catharsis, I would attempt to catapult myself toward my dream, leaving the dreary day planner behind. I swung between these two extremes for years, along the way running blankly through graduation, first jobs, even marriage.

In 2009, I realized I had settled into a routine based life that lacked forward-movement. Most of my college "deadlines" and "goals" had passed. Just before beginning to wallow in self-pity, I remembered (after some not-so subtle reminders from a certain physics prof) that looking backward while trying to move forward will get you nowhere.

2010 will be a year of new goals set and met, of renewed vision and dreams. Along the way, I think I'll find my good ole #2.

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