Thursday, February 18, 2010

Potential Kindred Spirits?

Things aren't looking good for global warming/climate change activists. Let's look at the record.
  1. Their message isn't welcomed by a society of people who don't want to make changes to their lives.
  2. Their message is based on claims no one completely understands.
  3. The scientific credibility of their message has been compromised by scandal.
  4. The public challenges their claim because of seeming inconsistencies with reality.
  5. Because of these inconsistencies, they've had to expand their claims and change their name.
Yes, it seems like things don't look good for the climate change movement.

But these traits make it very similar to another movement that's in trouble: the young-earth anti-evolution creation science movement (or any variation thereof). These members of these two movements could learn from each other, offer each other empathy. They are, potentially at least, kindred spirits.

The great irony, though, is that Christians provide the climate change movement with some of its most ardent opposition, creation scientists included.

Even if one disagrees with their conclusions (on scientific or theological grounds) or questions their methodology, is it more important to join the broader culture in mocking them, or to spread the gospel by identifying with their challenges? Shouldn't we be capable of empathizing with people with whom we don't agree?

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